I am barely old enough to remember Tron. Hell, I was born a few years too late to have ever seen it in theatres. The first and only time I saw it was on VHS, and yet I'm still very excited by the media that's coming out in advance of Tron: Legacy. I especially think the toys look amazing, however I have never been one to spend money on something if I can make it myself.

This figure is not any specific character from the movie, but rather it is an original amalgam made "in the style of," so to speak. His name is Qu3ry, a search algorithm. His function is parallel to that of a private detective in the real world - tasked by users to locate and retrieve information that others might wish to keep hidden. In addition to his light disc, he is armed with a SUDO Command Subroutine that gives him full administrative access to all files, programs and directories in a system.